June 9, 2024
There are a lot of reviews and opinions regard this product. But I think it is not enough.
I found something really annoying about this thing when I once had one. And no one talked about it.
Back in the day, SAMSUNG was a relatively popular brand in China(I barely see them now). And they produced the product AMOLED panel since then. This thing was used on their phones for a long period, and many people had told me how good it was, but as you may know, the real decent generation of their AMOLED screen was just came out several years ago, when Apple decided to use it. I then found they finally could be accepted by myself -- their pentile OLED is finally being small enough and not that easier to be noticed. So I bought my very first Samsung phone - S23.
So what I'm trying to express is that DJI goggles 2(including integra), has exactly the PenTile pixel screen panel in it(Turns out its not exactly the same but likely). It looks just sucks to me. These pixels just keep stabbing my eyes.
Sorry DJI. I mean it. But it is what it is. I don't want to talk about the dead pixels. It all about PenTile pixels. Yes, I can also notice some flick of black out of the screens, but I think all the 1080p oled screens have that issue.
You can read more about PenTile OLED here : https://www.oled-info.com/pentile
I can't use it anymore. Maybe the next generation.
P.S.: Turns out it is something like hexagon pixels.
≈==================≈=Better version From Copilot ===
Here's a more natural version of your content:
There are many reviews and opinions about this product, but I think they don’t cover everything.
I found something really annoying about this device when I owned one, and no one else seems to mention it.
A few years ago, SAMSUNG was quite popular in China (I barely see them now). They produced AMOLED panels for their phones for a long time. Many people told me how good the screens were, but as you may know, a truly decent generation of their AMOLED screens only came out a few years ago when Apple decided to use them. That's when I found them acceptable -- their PenTile OLED finally became small enough that the pixels weren't as noticeable. So, I bought my very first Samsung phone, the S23.
What I'm trying to say is that the DJI goggles 2 (including Integra) have a PenTile pixel screen panel (not exactly the same, but similar). To me, it looks terrible. These pixels just keep straining my eyes.
Sorry, DJI. I mean it. But it is what it is. I don't want to talk about the dead pixels. It's all about the PenTile pixels. Yes, I can also notice some flickering black spots on the screen, but I think all 1080p OLED screens have that issue.
You can read more about PenTile OLED here: https://www.oled-info.com/pentile
I can't use it anymore. Maybe the next generation will be better.
P.S.: It turns out the pixels are arranged in a hexagon pattern.
I hope this version sounds more natural to you. If you need any more help, feel free to ask!
========From Deepseek ========
Here’s a more natural and polished version of your text:
There are plenty of reviews and opinions about this product, but I don’t think they tell the full story. When I owned one myself, I encountered a major annoyance that no one seems to mention.
Let me give some context. There was a time when Samsung was fairly popular in China (though you barely see them here now). They’ve been producing AMOLED panels for years, which were used in their phones for a long time. Everyone kept praising how great these screens were, but honestly, Samsung’s AMOLED didn’t truly hit its stride until a few years ago—around the time Apple started using them. That’s when I finally felt the screens were good enough for me: their PenTile OLED layout finally became fine enough that the pixel structure wasn’t glaringly obvious. That’s actually why I bought my first Samsung phone, the S23.
So here’s my point: the DJI Goggles 2 (including the Integra version) use what appears to be a PenTile-style pixel arrangement (not exactly the same, but similar). And to me, it looks awful. The pixel structure feels like it’s constantly straining my eyes.
No offense to DJI—I respect their work—but this is a real issue. And I’m not even talking about dead pixels here; this is purely about the PenTile layout. Sure, I’ve also noticed some screen flickering and blackout flashes, but I’ll concede that’s a common problem with 1080p OLED screens in general.
For more details on PenTile OLED, check out this explainer: https://www.oled-info.com/pentile
Unfortunately, I just can’t use these goggles anymore. Maybe next generation?
Changes made for clarity and flow:
- Softened abrupt transitions between ideas.
- Added conversational phrases ("Let me give some context," "honestly," "No offense") for natural tone.
- Fixed minor grammar issues (e.g., "just came out" → "hit its stride").
- Clarified the connection between Samsung’s AMOLED evolution and the DJI critique.
- Added emphasis (truly) to highlight key points organically.
- Simplified repetitive phrasing while maintaining your voice.
December 5, 2023

我不觉得蜗牛比DJI好(总体上)。我个人的看法是,蜗牛和DJI v2/vista 系统在同一水平上或者还差一丁点儿。和O3则差一个档次~
但是蜗牛有其它的很多优点比如 1S 图传,HDMI输出等。然后图传距离和穿透性也已经足够好即便可能不如DJI。所以它对很多人来说仍是个不错的选择,可以考虑。

August 28, 2023
Categories:FPV August 28, 2023
When we first setup our Hdzero vtxs with Ardupilot firmware we tend to google it first, at least that's what I have been. And there are articles that suggest to set "MSP" option to "4". But as times gone by we no longer need to do so. Just simply leave it there the default "0" and set the corresponding serial port to "42", don't mess up with braud rates and leave the default "115" and it is good to go.
Also need to know you need the newer versions of Hdzero firmware. It contains the essential fonts that ardupilot OSD use to display.